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A candelit power outage evening. Thanks windstorm

Yesterday the windstorm howled up some major gusts which took out power to many Lower Mainland homes. I drove home about 5pm and hit my block in complete darkness. There went supper plans.

So I drove right past my house to the neighbourhood organic market and bought supper instead.

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Back home again, I realised that the power outage really only affected a narrow band of city blocks, but my house was right in the middle of that band.

So I lit the candles, moved them around the house, and got our two emergency flashlights out.

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Then I made a Greek salad and put our supper out on the kitchen island.

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You know, both C and I loved, LOVED our evening. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a store bought, organic, rotisserie chicken and potato salad, and a freshly baked baguette.

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And I must admit that sometimes, especially after a long day, the last thing I feel like doing is cooking, so this was actually a treat as well as a romantic evening.

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C retired to bed to watch Twilight on her fully charged laptop and I sat in the living room enjoying the ambience.

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It was actually beautifully bright in the living room with all those candles and I loved sitting here reading my book. I’m reading a very soppy and romantic Katie Fford right now, so it did my heart wonderful good to sit in my beautifully romantic room.

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Unfortunately the power outage didn’t last very long, and we had power back on by 9pm. But it was great while it lasted. Such silence, such peace.

Do you like being in a power outage? I suppose that, since it doesn’t happen very often, and it’s generally pretty warm here on the West Coast, I just love it. It’s probably not like that elsewhere, is it?

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Comments: 9

  • November 18, 2015

    When my sons were small we lived in a small village, along a row of old cottages, and the power went out once or twice a month, I’d cook on aa gas camping burner I had, light candles, and us neighbours would be outside chatting over back fences… Lime the old days I guess 🙂 mx

  • November 19, 2015

    wow beautiful photos, they look like Old Masters
    J x

  • Jo

    November 19, 2015

    We didn’t lose power – but had a few blinks. At least it wasn’t cold during the power outage. I too like the cozy feeling of the quiet and soft light of an outage, but not for long, thank you. I’m glad the winds are over – now the temperatures are a lot chillier but that just makes for another chance for coziness.

  • November 19, 2015

    Curious as to where on the West Coast you live. We had a short power outage for about 30 seconds but were lucky not to loose power here in Wally World (aka Walla Walla, WA).
    Your photos are just lovely and so warm and inviting and your dinner looked mighty tasty.

  • November 19, 2015

    Love the glow! Yes, there is a good side to power outages.. if anything, it makes you realize what is taken for granted!

  • November 19, 2015

    Your table looks almost sacred in the candlelight, lovely pictures.

    We lose power here in the country so often that we have battery lanterns readily handy in every room, and they don’t hold a candle to candlelight!

  • November 19, 2015

    Sometimes I love (forced) magical nights like these!

  • daryledelstein

    November 20, 2015

    i love candle light .. my friends who are in Paris since last Thursday woke on Tuesday to find the wifi in the apartment not working aargh cut off from news/etc and then on Weds the power went out .. no power no internet and Paris under siege … made me appreciate your photos all the more as i am sure they echo my friends pix

  • November 23, 2015

    Magic atmosphere… I should try that without power outage.

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