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Family Friday and random thoughts

I’m feeling rather nostalgic today and linking with Nancy for random thoughts.

Nostalgic because it’s the WordPress weekly photo prompt and I have that on my mind, but also because I’ll be leaving in a couple of days and C and I have been in the garden this morning cleaning up trying to clean up the weeds and plants before I leave, and I’m looking round the garden and thinking, wow, I’m growing all the plats my grandfather loved the most.

In his garden I remember rows of portulacas, and I grow them every year. You know what? Their little seeds are like tiny silver beads of mercury and the most fascinating thing a child can hold in her little hand.

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Why is it that the minute you pull up a weed it just makes room for 17 more weds to grow? But the raspberries are shading all the weeds out. Maybe growing raspberries everywhere it the answer. 🙂

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Also, I’ve decided that if you can’t beat ’em, let ’em be. This seven foot tall iron structure is where the red runner beans are supposed to grow, but somehow a few have escaped to the bronze fennel and the sweet pea gate. Whatever…grow happy little beans.


I think that yellow and purple are the queen of colour combinations! The absolute ruling monarch. I’m so going to try for more yellow and purple round here.

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C took this photo of me today and did something funky with it and stuck it on her Instagram. Yes, I can see that dandelion laughing at me from between the bricks. No I probably don’t have time to pull it up before I go.

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