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You know how people say that smells bring back memories more vividly that sights? I really think that's so true. One of the things which reminds me of my grandmother, of Prague, of my childhood at the summer cottage is

I don't think I told you. There is the most wonderful exhibit at Kew in the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of botanical paintings by Rory McEwen. I didn't know very much about him prior to viewing the exhibition, (isn't that the way it

Ugh, those X Atlantic flights are something, aren't they? Remind me to not fly thru the Canadian night again. But then, I did have an empty seat beside me and a lovely little old lady as a plane companion who

The other night I watched a great BBC program called Regulation of the Wartime Kitchen. It was about how brave and resourceful people made themselves a happy Christmas celebration in the bunkers under London in the typical Dunkirk Spirit, while