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I'm sure we're all feeling much of the same sameness, aren't we? 'Tis the time for Christmas magic, visiting good friends, running around like crazy trying to get everything done and fitting in the unexpected. Us? We're baking a giant Christmas

The other day I had a minute to sit in Sbux and read the local paper. Gotta love the headline: So among the very useful tips to beat the winter blahs are: eat at a Mexican restaurant to trick your mind, wear

Friday I broke my heart. It's a very private matter and nothing I want to talk about and, anyway, I'm not in the right frame of mind to spill everything in here and then try to pick up the pieces

Ugh, those X Atlantic flights are something, aren't they? Remind me to not fly thru the Canadian night again. But then, I did have an empty seat beside me and a lovely little old lady as a plane companion who