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Taking a little time

Oh lovely day!

This was what my morning looked like. Very cool outside and still very wet, but the sun is out! πŸ™‚ So happy. And so determined to find a little time for myself even on this busy day.

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It’s busy out there, isn’t it? But I’m not the only one. Right?

I know you’re like me.

I know that there may be a full day ahead of work or school and chores and errands and gym, but there’s also this hope of being able to set aside a little time to sit in the sun and read. Maybe have a cup of tea.

So here’s what to do.

1. Take your book with you.

Take it with you to work, to school, or take it out of your bedroom and put it on a table in a lovely spot where ever you are.

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2. Find your time. You know you have a lunch break, a break between classes, Now get yourself to a lovely, warm, sunny coffee shop, or go make that cup of tea and then sit down and stay for a while.

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Try not to allow yourself to be distracted too much.


The world will still be there in an hour. The work, the chores, they probably won’t lessen any, but your heart will be lighter, sunnier, happier. Does this resonate as much with you as it does with me?


There, don’t you feel better? πŸ™‚

(β€œHer imagination was by habit ridiculously active; when the door was not open it jumped out the window.” Henry James)

PS: Giveaway

Comments: 16

  • October 3, 2013
  • October 3, 2013

    Beautiful photos! And I can relate… we have a swing in our yard, and I often take my laptop outside to sit and work, or just read. Right now, we have beautiful foliage to look at, too, so it makes the whole experience wonderfully peaceful and aesthetically pleasing as well! πŸ™‚

  • October 3, 2013

    Great advice, we’re all so busy that we often forget about taking a little time for ourselves. I love the first picture by the way.

  • October 4, 2013

    Some weeks are busier than others and it’s my blogging that takes a back seat to a busy life. I can’t see myself posting every day like many friends but when time allows, I do take a leisurely break to visit, and yes, read a good book.

  • October 4, 2013

    when i went to paris, i set up my photo blog so it would post every day while i was gone but i let the new york blog take a vacation … it felt weird

  • October 4, 2013

    What a fantastic quote!! How did James know me so well? πŸ˜‰

  • October 5, 2013

    Oh, I feel much better now, thank you Veronica.

  • October 5, 2013

    That is exactly what I did yesterday, got outside to walk with the dogs, read a book on the deck (a Pat Conroy book I’ve saved for last, My Loosing Season, but enjoying it even though it’s about basketball), stayed offline except for 15 min. last night–to order Portrait of a Lady that you had written about in a comment to me, and upon realizing that you write books–nice discovery–preordered your trilogy. At least I hope it’s you because otherwise I’ve ordered 3 books written by a perfect stranger!

      • October 9, 2013

        Oh, dear! Well, I’ll try them anyway and I have grandsons to pass them on to. Now, how do I find out what you write? I’m curious…

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