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What the hell? Yeah, I know!

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
I’m alive!
All is well.

When my mother mentions that I haven’t written a post in ages, I feel vaguely guilty but don’t worry too much.
When Robert tells me that he loves rereading my posts I think aw, poor boy away from me, but we talk every day, so put off writing.
When our neighbour pops round the cottage to make sure we’re alive and mentions that I haven’t written in ages, and when my sweet cousin in Slovakia starts emailing me to find out if all is well!!!!
Then I know I’ve been putting blogging off for far too long.

On of the major reasons I blog is to have a creative outlet.
But when other creative outlets are briming over the top, I don’t feel the need to blog.

I know that’s bad.
But it’s good in another way. It means I’m finding interesting, creative and fulfilling things in my art practice.

But back to life…lol.
Chloe’s boyfriend Bryson turned 26 the other week, and Chloe planned, organised and executed the best surprise party for him.

There were way too many 20-30 somethings in the house all having a brilliant time.

And that very same evening, my daughter Kerstin and her family came into town to stay with me.

Everyone stayed up way too late, (and our little ones slept in; which was fantastic), and the next morning we had a tea party in the living room.

Weekend came and went and I retreated back into the studio because I’m working on some over-the-top expressive pieces to break out of a rut.

These I had done and put them up on the dining room wall for my meeting with my art consultant.
We had a really good meeting talking about the directing I might want to take my art.

I know this is a quick catch up and doesn’t make up for two month of radio silence from me.
I’ll be better.

Comments: 9

  • Susan

    February 27, 2018

    Busy and full life! It is all good. Family, friends and art. The party goes on, and on, and on…

  • February 28, 2018

    Sounds all good, dear Veronica!
    Makes me happy to see you’re still busy. Busy in art and family, full life! Beautiful!

    Love, Ariane. Rose

  • February 28, 2018

    i knew you were creating via IG and FB …. i am a regular Nancy Drew πŸ˜‰

  • February 28, 2018

    Blogging takes so much more time than IG and FB.
    You’re on a roll. No explanation needed. Keep on rolling! xo

  • February 28, 2018

    I love that art on the wall! And I love your house, its so elegant and airy – and such floors! How wonderful that your life is so full you forget to write about it. What a blessing πŸ™‚

  • March 1, 2018

    Sometimes it feels like it’s a MUST blogging, fb and so on. You kept your circle smal and your world tiny. ( I do the same and think more people do to)?

  • March 2, 2018

    Those were a couple of good parties.

  • March 2, 2018

    Ooh, I really like that multi-colored sculpture. Glad that you’re getting creative in lots of ways!

  • March 2, 2018

    Hello lovely .. so good to hear from you! Wonderful photos .. Love your new art V! You are soo clever … and busy and always full of energy and fun. Hugs

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