A boot sale Sunday
After all the sugary, flowery, girlyness of yesterday, Robert planned a day out at a car show...somewhere...with Jason...only boys allowed!Actually, that's not strictly true, girls are allowed there too, but they went out in the Caterham, which only has two seats, to Goodwood House, Sussex for the Festival of Speed. (please note my use of British racing green just there)So I went to a couple of car boot sales. :)Oh my gosh, how much fun can a girl have with about $25?Let me describe the loot for you.I got eight hand thrown flower pots for about $1.50. I think these guys have been around for a long time and probably seen at least 50 seasons of seedlings come and go. I love old flower pots and already own dozens and really need these like a hole in the head, but then I really need them!!! You know?There's some bits of old crockery. I love these two cream vases and they match the three I bought at Sudeley Castle last year. (I know, now I have five)Some coronation china and vintage linens, and some lovely old books.
Look at this fantastic vintage puzzle! Still in the box, still in the plastic wrapping, with a little Christmas paper taped to the back. Do you like puzzles? We love them. Then there are five records: The Talking Heads, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, The Police, and The Weather Girls. (Remember "It's Raining Men"? Lol...what a riot)
Then there's this gorgeous painting. I just love it and it's coming back to Vancouver with me. (no idea how yet...but let's not bother with details... :) )
And Oh MY Gosh, this Milo plate! It so looks like my great big Vancouver boy. Chloe's going to love this one.
And, just because I couldn't leave it there and it cost about 75 cents, this wonderful, happy, ceramic elephant. He stands about 10" tall and has a velvety mat black glaze. He makes me smile.
I also bought a hand knitted sweater in the best red colour in the world...you know I love reds, and a bracelet, (which Chloe will try to steal), and a pretty Autumnal dress for Binky, and three black and white ordnance survey maps which I can paint on.Yesterday was filled with gardens and flowers and wonderful botanical illustrations and so I zoned right in on one of the little old books I bought. It is a 1944 book called Some British Months and has these fabulous coloured plates:
And as wonderful as they are, they don't compare to the birthday card my darling girl sent me. She composed it in Paint and used images form my latest posts. That is a real treasure! She also made me a wonderful, silly, loving video. I wonder if she'd agree for me to post it. (I'll ask)