A handful of random
Friday the 13th fun!Milo is doing this crazy thing. He's running thru the house via open back door, into my bedroom, and jumping out my open window only to run back in and do it over again. He's determined to win best lap running cat in the lap running cat competition. Morgan runs after him and then turns around short of the 7ft drop and heads back to catch him up again. That got too tiring for her so she flaked out on the top of my chair and is just watching him do his rounds. She's entering the best cat for chair extension competition. :)I was just telling my friend Celi that nothing apart form herbs, a fig and some roses can grow in a little super-heated, south facing, against the garage, raise garden of mine. So I tend to grow way more herbs than I need. But this week I stuffed a bunch into the belly cavity of a not-so-delicious farmed salmon and it was out of this world good. So hooray for an over abundance of herbs!
Usually we like to make gifts for family and friends instead of buying things and I've been looking at the boxes and boxes of craft prototypes I've saved over the years and thinking that I'll put more examples of arts and crafts with directions in case any of you would like to try something new. :)
Robert and I have been looking at swatches and swatches and swatches....of grey paint variations to paint the new mini. It all gets a bit ubiquitous after a while. Thank goodness for Photoshop! I mocked up three greys: Farina grey (which was the colour of my lost mini), Tweed grey (which I think will be the new colour), and Mandalay grey (which was a contender because it looked good on someone's car) Tweed grey wins out!
Where would we be without dahlias and hydrangeas in the autumn?
Linking with Nancy for randomness fun and off to visit all the great gals and guys there. :)