A little bit of random beautiful round here
Everyone is pretty sick of me having cameras out close to hand in every room. (Hazards of living with a photographer)I can’t help it; so many beautiful images/vignettes/light quality to capture.Just look at the morning light reaching a bunch of garden flowers on the living room side table.The last of the summer roses I think. Wouldn’t you want to preserve that image to look at it in the dead doldrums of winter?Then there’s our little baby Isla. That peaceful sleeping cherub stage is only going to last another couple of months I think.Here she is in all her sweet pinkness in the middle of my bed.
I specifically mixed a deep lacquer red and painted the front door hallway that colour. I love the play of sunlight there, especially when it reflects off the crystal door knobs.
And finally, C decided to wear this beautiful vintage pearl collar as a necklace. Isn’t it just breathtaking against her skin?
Honestly, who can blame me?