A random roundup for Friday
There are times when I see something and it's just so lovely that I have to take a photo. These things are usually everyday ordinary things, like this little escapee/volunteer pansy up against the blue pot, but the everyday things are magic to me...you know, that common magic I sometimes go on about.
Speaking of magic, who can resist sunlight dried towels and sheets. Oh it's the best, isn't it? That fresh smell. I never use fabric softeners or dryer sheets, too toxic, but I always marvel at how companies try to mimic what is easily done freely...and non-toxicly.
I opened all the windows to air the house out, including the windows in my studio. Downtown looked sparkly across the water.
Morgan immediately jumped out onto the roof and walked around to the skylight and jumped in thru the skylight onto my drawing desk. Milo ran around like a mad cat in thru the front door and out the back door ad infinitum.
And on my drawing desk are birds! Birds and more birds. I was so happy that my FB friend Diana suggested I draw a Mockingbird and then Melodye asked to use it to illustrate her writing. Morgan comes around and jumps up for a cuddle and I can't paint! She knows it and sniggers.
The other day I found a brand new pair of retro climbing shoes at the thrift for $6! Chloe urged me to buy them. I had a second thought about that because that meant that I was probably committing to climbing! Oh, what the heck, we're only young....er...as long as we feel like it. :DI'm nowhere near this spider monkey child of mine, but I was pleased with being able to reach the top of the easier routes and very pleased with my muscles!
I cleaned up the patio table. Time for an alfresco...something!
In the morning I usually have a couple bed-ferrets invade my bedroom.
I love it. :D