A special event, a virtual coffee house. I’ll be the one wearing a pink carnation waving at you.
It’s funny how coincidence works. One of my favorite blogs disappeared a year ago and, searching for it, I came to another blogger’s site, and that blogger has now become my friend. She is the sweet, gentle-hearted Vicki of 2bagsfull. She is hosting this lovely blog hop.Hi everyone, my name is Veronica, which you probably already know by the name of my blog. Just today someone asked me how does one come up with a good blog name and I had to say that I honestly never thought about it.
Several years ago my daughter Kerstin designed and drew this symbol as a brand for me and I’ve loved and used it ever since, so it’s Veronica Roth here, or just V, because who can be bothered with a four syllable name anyway.Speaking of children, I have three: Jonathan, Kerstin and Chloe. They are grown and over the years they’ve multiplied and now I seem to have seven and so now we must include Kerstie’s Adam, Chloe’s Bryson, and the new babies in the family: Ever and Isla (usually called Binky and Bunny). Somehow they are always getting in front of my camera.Oh, cameras, yes, I seem to have a collection of them and that’s a good thing because I take a lot of photos, a LOT of photos. Really A LOT, A TON of photos.
Some you will not see because they are proprietary to magazines or for sale thru stock agencies but you'll see loads on these pages. The photos on these pages are for you. And I mean for YOU. Use them, copy them, find inspiration with them, say thank you, have fun. They describe everyday moments … my everyday moments … a common magic.
I also muck about with paints.I love to paint in oils on large canvases...
...but I’ll paint, draw, muck about on just about anything with any medium. Old maps, sheet music, book jackets, the sawn off end of this year’s Christmas tree ...you get the picture.
I write. On these pages you’ll find free verse poetry under the “I’m not as green as I’m cabbage looking” tag, in real life you’ll find magazine and on-line articles.I’m all over the place usually, but mostly either in my home in the city: Vancouver, BC, Canada or my home in the country: the village of Northmoor, Oxfordshire, England. (where I drive really fast on the wrong side of the road)And, as it says on my bio, I’m completely hopeless at planning anything and so have no idea what the future will bring. Right now this site is a wonderful creative outlet for me and I love, LOVE and cherish the friends I’ve met thru it. I hope you will say hello and leave your site addy so I can come visit and get to know you and I hope you will take the time to get to know me.Oh, there are cats. Vancouver cats Morgan and Milo and British cat Theo. They're the little heartbeats at my feet.