A winter walk along my part of the Spirit Trail
In this bright, winter's day, I went for a walk on a local trail called The Spirit Trail. The trail is a rather long one, but this part runs along the waterfront escarpment separating the residential city from the industrial docks.This part of the spirit trail is relatively new. As you walk the trail, you see a beautiful art piece consisting of crows and crow lore sandblasted into granite boulders from a local quarry.
The view from the escarpment down to the docks is spectacular.
I love seeing a view into a part of Vancouver rather unavailable to the ordinary pedestrian. The view to the east is to the part of the dock dealing with grain. Two major companies here have silos which hold wheat, durum, canola, barley, rye, and flax.
The view to the west is of the metalurgical and thermal coal stores. Today, being Sunday, it was rather still and quiet, but on weekdays it's fun to see the conveyor belts and cranes move the coal around.
The view south is across the Burrard Inlet and this is my favourite view. Robbie and I stood here for maybe an hour last time just looking at how the world works.There is a funny sort of car wash that cars coming out of the docks go thru. Some cars got a nice wash down, and some cars were denied. The cars denied drove back out and into the car wash over and over several times without luck, and then, a different car, who came just behind, got the car wash. What was that all about?
Sometimes I stand here and wonder how I could get down there and poke around.I wonder if it's allowed. Well, it must be...somehow. Wouldn't it be great to get up close and personal and find out how it all works?Well, maybe one day, but for now I'll look, take photos and wonder how it all works.