A winter walk in these liminal days
I love these days.I love holidays and not knowing...and not caring what day it actually is.It's been snowing all day today, but before today's snow, I went for a walk on my daughter's property to gather some winter weeds for reference for new art pieces. (Don't ask me what day it was...lol)It looks like there was someone here earlier.
I hiked all the way to the top of the 22 acres.So calm and peaceful here. Just some birds flickering in the pines.
I gathered handfuls of last summer's plants,
twigs, pinecones and grasses...anything interesting I could find.
Then I found some deer tracks and followed them back down the acreage.
When I was back at the car I dedided to drive to the beach.Oh my gosh I love it down here.
I walked along the beach to the spot the kids and I were swimming at last summer.How calm and cold it is now.This is the dock we were jumping from. This is the place Ruby took her first plunge.
I sat for a while and noticed that I picked up some hitchhikers somewhere on my hike.
So I freed them to seed down here, looked forward to next summer's swim, and headed back up the hill.
Hope you all have beautiful liminal days between now and the New Year. I wish you loads of winter joy.