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Bought a $1 book today mostly to
destroy, rip apart, alter for an art project. It’s a coffee table photo book of Canada from the 1970’s but it has the sweetest hand-written dedication in the front that now maybe I can’t bring myself to repurpose the book.Here it is:Tony and Ruth,I thought by now you might appreciate this book a little more, (the white stuff is snow)This is actually a wedding gift but I’ll say Merry Christmas too since it’s the season. Wish I could have delivered it personally but such was not the case this year. (maybe next)Till next timeDonSpent a nice few minutes imagining who Tony and Ruth were, how they didn’t understand snow, did Don see them next time and if I had a publishing house I’d probably call it Umschau Verlag Breidenstein KG too. Actually couldn’t think of anything better. Reminds me of a love poem I wrote about spies in white coats with thin moustaches and blood on their hands who turned into a white sofa bred on a sofa farm by fat-bottomed sofa farmers with 10 polite children. (you had to be there).x