Ah those crazy last couple of days before Christmas
And everything is pretty well organised and fine :DI know the last couple days before Christmas can be somewhat of a nightmare, but the only nightmare round here is the wind!This morning I woke up at 4am from a nightmare where I was in the middle of WWIII. Then I realised that I left my window open for some fresh air and it was the wind howling so loudly. So I closed the door and went back to sleep. In the morning on my FB, my friend Jill had the same though "when will this wind die down?"I popped into town yesterday for a couple forgotten things and came across the owl sanctuary canvassing for donations, and who can resist when they have a couple resident owls with them.The one on the left is, of course, a barn owl, and the one on the right is a little owl. I know I've painted little owls before, but it's something seeing one so up close and personal. It's a tiny little thing. And look at those amazing eyes! :D
Today we finally baked our Christmas cake. I know! Each year we strive for a much earlier Christmas cake baking, but somehow never get around to it. It's all good though, we love our Christmas cakes and aren't too into that whole must let it rest and soak up as much brandy/cognac/whisky as possible thing.
Today I also got around to painting something on the sawn-off bottom of our Christmas tree. I love doing that, and I love any reason to get out my oil paints.
This year I painted a little robin, all puffed out against the cold.
And then, because I pilfered a few more ends at the Christmas barn and because I had a little more time before supper, I started a red squirrel. Not quite finished but happily on the way.
I hope your days aren't too stressed and hope everything's fairly organised in your world.