And now for something completely different: The Medusa
I just have to tell you about something.Monday was the most exciting day! Robert started the Medusa!For those of you who don't know what the Medusa is, I have to explain a little.To me, Robert is part genius, part mad scientist, part inventor and all engineer, with a huge helping of that bull-headed, fiery Scottish test pilot, and a small soupcon of British eccentricity. (Better not let him read this before I publish because he'll make me's built so many beautiful vehicles, from his one-of-a-kind Project 17 to his powerful mini, but over the better part of the last two years, he's been building a car like no other...that is to say, no one has ever tried to do something like this. It involves two straight six jaguar engines mounted on a London taxi chassis, with completely bespoke everything.And Monday was the day he chose to fire the engines up for a test run.
Not knowing how the engines were going to preform, and not knowing if bits of engine would break free and fly off at high speed, this was a bit of a risky business, but this summer we're doubling the garage, so the concrete pad, with partially built cement block walls, was the best place for containing possible explosions.So we rolled the Medusa out, set up cameras at various angles...
...collected ear protections and emergency tools...
...and, after I told him my concern for his safety since he was directly in the possible line of fire, R put on his biking leathers and helmet, and I grabbed his grinding mask for protection. We also had the hosepipe and the fire extinguisher handy.
Last few checks...
...last few adjustments...
...and off we go!!!!, as you can probably tell, we survived :DI love our life! Such wonderfully exciting things happen. :DTuesday, in contrast, was much tamer. We built some more wall on the garage.
You know what? I love
And after we had a full afternoon of building, and after we cleaned up, there was a little cement left over.
I had a thought: Hmm, how hard can it be to make myself a little stepping stone for my garden?So I ran upstairs and got some flint pebbles, some bits of china I found around here, and even a piece of prehistoric sea shell, dug out a little hollow, moved a few daffodil bulbs I uprooted, poured in the left over cement, and built myself a little stepping stone.
Whew, after two days of laddish stuff, a little art was very welcome. :D