Ariane's art challenge: Tide
Hello everyone,I know it's been too quiet here on my blog and it's been a bit of a hard adjustment back to Vancouver this month. Basically I found myself with nothing of any value to share.Therefore I'm so grateful to Ariane for calling the 198th art challenge: Tide.I'm a sea girl.I was born and raised in a land-locked country, (Czech Republic), but my warm holidays were spent on the sea shore in Germany. Then, when we immigrated to Canada, it was to the Pacific and I've mostly lived beside the ocean since.
I love my life in Oxfordshire. I love the meadows and forests and fields and especially love the Thames beside us, but I must confess to a tiny bit of land-locked frustration. So when Robbie and I decided to have a mini break at the Jurassic Coast, it was like a coming home for me. Suddenly there was the ocean, there was the tide line with fresh treasures, there was that salty smell that I know so well. I looked around and the first thing that came to mind was, "why would anyone chose to live anywhere else?"No wonder I took all these rocks, pebbles and fossilized belemnites home to Vancouver.
For this art challenge I chose a church voluntary with the title Impromptu; partly since our Jurassic Coast trip was also impromptu, but also because of the rhythmic repetition of the notes. Like waves.I painted three sandpipers hunting for treasures in the tide line...much as we were doing.
I used the whole two page spread for this because one page just didn't seem big enough for what I wanted to express.
Pop over to Ariane's when you have a chance for more artists and their interpretation of our art challenge.Thank you so much Rosy girl for giving me the push I needed to get out of this melancholy and write a post again.