A baby shower for Chantal
As most of you already know, my son and his beautiful girl are having a baby boy.This Sunday Chantal's sister and mother threw her a wonderful baby shower.Kerstie planned a little with Chantal's sister Janine, and brought her collection of beautiful vintage supplies for serving plates and decorations.I love Kerstie's supply of vintage children's blocks and her handmade cork board.
Here are my girls. Doesn't Chantal look beautiful? She has about three weeks to go before baby boy arrives.
There were 20+ people, friends and family, to help celebrate and Kerstin, Chloe and I met some family for the first time.
People brought so many lovely gifts.
There were some fun games.
And in with the happy helium balloons was this one special Care Bears balloon, which was last inflated at Chantal's birth. Chantal's father kept it all these years.
Kerstie made this beautiful transfer of our new baby boy's ultrasound mounted on a piece of silver piece of driftwood.
And she also brought Chantal this vintage trunk for their new home.
I can't believe my baby is having a baby. This was Jonathan 34 years ago.
I wonder what my fourth grandchild will look like. :D