Beachy love
For the most part it's been a lovely weekend here on the
Wet West Coast. A little treat of sunshine between the rains called us out to one of our favourite beaches, Whytecliff.Some days this beach is pretty empty. Not today though. Loads of people were out walking along the beach, climbing up the Whytecliff, sitting on benches, hiking over some of the other cliffs, and scuba diving. This area is a marine protected area and a speedboat free Provincial park, so absolutely ideal for diving. I have dived here and so can tell you that the bay if full of wonderful marine life, and the rocks are favourites with mama seals and newborn pups.The air felt really fresh and almost spring-like. Everything was drenched through and through from a solid week of rain and couldn't hold any more water, so everything dripped and steamed in the sunshine. The forest was draining in little rivulets thru the sand and into the ocean, exposing all sorts of lovely pebbles, and the rocks had fresh, green algae, which made walking a bit slippery.There's always the biggest temptation to walk over the rocks and climb up the Whytecliff. It's beautiful up there and the view out to Vancouver Island and to downtown Vancouver is really worth it. But lots of people get it wrong and find themselves stranded as the tide comes in. We were looking at the people making their way over in the last few minutes before many of the "stepping stones" rocks were under water and we were wondering how the heck they were going to get back. Later, from our much drier vantage point, we saw people wading back in water knee deep carrying children on their shoulders. Oh dear. That's one way to make a lasting memory! :D