Some of the best things I've discovered this week.

Since the weather's turned, indoor gardening is the best kind of gardening. :)IMG_0578 copyThe best cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate is always found in an unexpected coffee shop; especially when it's raining outside and that coffee shop is warm and rustic and full of interesting people.IMG_3669Now is the best time to start seeing the winter flocks returning to Vancouver.  The sea birds are such a wonderful treat all winter long. These are Barrow's Goldeneye.golden eyes 1The absolute best cat toy is a paper bag. Trust me on this. :)morganThe best plants for an autumn pergola are Virginia creepers. Is there anything as spectacular as these red curtains hanging down? (Note to self: Must build a pergola.)curtainsSharing with Nancy for Random Friday and don't forget, giveaway draw for next Tuesday. :)


Happiness from Saturday night.


Taking a little time