My birthday and RBG Kew
If you've known me for any length of time, you know I love the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew. And you probably also know that it's my birthday treat is to visit each year.You would probably not be surprised to know that Kew is a riot of flowers and colours, and that, each year, the Kew world changes. One year there was the most beautiful Dale Chihuly installation here. Hundreds and hundreds of colourful glass sculptures stood in gardens, floating on ponds and lakes, were suspended from trees and ceilings. One year the focus was on vegetables and other edibles, and this year the focus was on comfort, protection, healing and medicinal plants from all around the world.Robert and I had a ton of unexpected traffic into London and came to RBG Kew later than we wanted but just in time for lunch.We walked past the palm house, past the brilliant flower beds, to the Orangery cafe.
And while the hot reds, purples and yellows were very much on view, exciting and wonderful, what I noticed most were the white flowers. Each time I came on a brilliant white blossom, my heart skipped a beat and I had to stop.It may have been the sunshine, may have been the terrible traffic jam, but I felt that I needed the cool, clear, peaceful white flowers that day, and so, this year, Kew became the year of the white garden for me.
We did the usual tour of the gardens between the palm house and the Orangery, but then decided to walk out into the arboretum to see the Thames.
We walked and walked and eventually made our way back to the Orangery, and R decided he wanted a rest, so he found a shady tree while I went on to explore the walled gardens.
I love Robert, but I loved my alone time.
I held hands with the trees...
I waved with the grasses...
And I captured as much of the peace in my heart as I could.
Eventually, I walked out of the walled gardens to the Princess of Wales conservatory and explored the alpines and cacti.
And made friends with some gardeners working in the grasses.
Found Robbie right where I left him...
And we went on to explore some more. :D
More from Kew tomorrow.