Bluebell heaven
You know, it's pretty rare for me to get here at the turning point of the seasons, but this year I managed just that.Four weeks ago, the trees were bare and the ground covered with frost, and today suddenly it's practically summer!One thing about a warm British spring are bluebell woods.Do you guys know about British bluebells?They're slightly more delicate than the typical Spanish garden variety and must be protected in the woods because the Spanish variety is invasive.Anyway, I asked Robert for a day out wherever there are bluebell woods and he took me to his childhood village Stoke Row.We set off in my TVR, I drove there and got to Stoke Row just in time for lunch.We found the Cherry Tree pub and parked up.
Pretty car!
Robert was really happy to be back in Stoke Row and I loved that he kept telling me stories of his childhood and of the people who lived there.
After lunch, we parked up the TVR on the village green and got on our walking shoes.
This is R's childhood home, The Oak. He stripped back the paint on the Tudor beams himself and that dark building beside The Oak was his father's surgery.
So we walked past The Oak and into the beech woods.
The beech woods are so amazing. It feels like Robin Hood and his band of merry men could come out from behind any tree.
Or possibly fairies and goblins and elves could be living in any little nook.
Soon we got to a greener part of the forest and I was starting to get more excited about bluebells.
All around us bracken was just starting to unfurl.Bracken is so huge and so beautiful when fully grown.
And then, we came upon the first little clump under a beech tree.
And then a few more.
And then great swathes of them!I've never seen anything like that!The whole forest floor covered in bluebells!
I was in bluebell heaven.
Too soon it was time to go.Actually, R did ask if he should leave me there and head off to our friend's
Alright, alright, I'm coming.We jumped in my TVR and hooned out of Stoke Row, past the bluebell woods and off into the afternoon.