Can you do it...yes you can!
The Astra sputtered and misfired on a cylinder driving up to the village hall the other day. It could have been one of about three problems, but, after going thru the easy fixes, the problem was narrowed down to a broken head gasket.So R and I bought a new head gasket and spent four hours replacing it.How much does it cost to have a broken head gasket replaced at a mechanic’s? Don’t even ask!Bet you could do it yourself.
Car engines, I’ve figured out, are like a sort of paint by number puzzle. Part A fits into part B. There’s really no mystery. (It just hurts a little to learn, but with a good Haynes manual it’s relatively easy.)And the dirt is “clean dirt”. It washes right off with some dish soap.
But then you have a new car with digital this and automatic that and you need to have the garage bloke read the on-board say.No you don’t. You can save yourself the diagnostic charge by reading or even resetting the on-board computer yourself. I bought a diagnostics tool for my modern sporty Solara for about $100. It plugs into a little slot in the passenger foot well and into my laptop. Voila! $60 saved each time.
You can do it. Yes you can.