Car boot sale treasure
What a treat it is to find unexpected treasures at a thrift store, flea market, or here in Oxfordshire, car boot sales.Come see what I found on Sunday.I bought a peaceable kingdom of sorts.
Actually, I bought 19 lead farm animal toys from a company called Britains. Wow, I never knew about these fantastic little things and now I want to find more!
There are sheep, and cows, and pigs, and dogs with a dog house, and a farmer, and the farmer's wife, a goat with half of a horn missing, some horses; I love these little guys. Imagine children used to play with them.
Peaceable kingdom because, for some reason, my set includes a lion, (and a giant rooster). I'd like a farm like that. :D
I bought a set for four silver fish knives and forks. Now I need more fish knives and forks like a hole in the head, but then, I couldn't leave them there for .50 pence, could I? Especially when the lady threw in the wooden handled pickle fork for free.
I actually set out to get a milk/cream jug for tea, and found this beautiful green depression era glass one, and then found more green glass...which I obviously had to buy to keep the creamer company. (Also bought a little vase but at photo time it was unavailable because it's doing its duty in the pantry holding a bunch of wildflowers)
There was this intriguing little tin at a table where everything was .50 pence, and it was full of these beautiful vintage buttons. Elsewhere, I found these lovely scissors.
For the doll's house in Vancouver, there was this beautiful little chair and coffee table, with a Turkish wine decanter plus four goblets. Won't the dolls be thrilled?
And the last two things I bought are one more ceramic ink bottle, which now makes three this summer, (and seven together between the two houses/countries), and this little oil painting. I thought it was incredibly charming.
So there you go. Total spent was about £5, amount of pleasure from the £5: unbelievable! :D I love me a good treasure hunt! Anyone unearth any treasures lately?