Chasing the sucker hole

The weather men in the Pacific Northwest have a term for patches of blue sky: sucker hole; as in Mother Nature shows you a bit of sapphire blue, grants you a few minutes of sunshine and then storms up again just as you want to believe the weather has turned.deer lakeChloe and I have been saying, “we really should get out for more walks, more hikes.” And so, while the mountains were shrouded in a wet, white veil, we headed out to chase a large sucker hole we hoped would last for an hour or so.The best place for a walk seemed to be Deer Lake Park and we were there in ten minutes. The park has good gravel paths and board walks thru the swampy bits. We took the trail around the lake.Over head...oh my...the sky was so blue. We haven’t seen a blue like this for months.There was a strong wind driving the clouds into the mountains and our sucker hole lasted and lasted.Spring was everywhere at Deer Lake. Paired off ducks and geese, bird song, soft pussy willows, aspens in full catkins, wild bleeding hearts and lilies greening all over the forest floor and swarms of gnats dancing in the middle of the pathways.We had a lovely long walk and then back to the rain.009 copy034 copy050 copy029 copy064 copy069 copy


Probably got too much sun today...


Postcard party...oh the choices!