In circles round Prague, La Traviata at the opera, and out of Prague again
Oh my word the time just does fly, doesn't it?Every time I run out of time I wonder what happened to my on going New Year's resolution to stop running out of time and start running into it instead.Yesterday, Saturday here in Europe, I had a whole day of walking round Prague trying to catch up on my shopping.I walked out of my hotel and up Petrin hill, which is a beautiful walk and a beautiful way to get to Hradcany (Prague castle).This area used to be the king's garden and hunting forest and it has the most spectacular views of Prague.
I saw a Sojka! It's a Eurasian Jay. His blue feathers are what German men love to stick in their hat bands.
I climbed higher and higher up Petrin hill.
And soon I had all of Prague below me.Such a beautiful sight.And such a work out!
Then past Hradcany and onto my favourite little shopping streets.
And into my favourite little shops, like this ephemera and old book shop.
I had a little lunch, I peeked into a few old churches, did my rounds round old town, St Wenceslas square, Nerudova, and even some streets I have no idea of the name of.
I did all my shopping and then walked back up to Hradcany, across to Petrin hill and back down to my hotel. In total I think I walked about 10km.
A quick shower to shower off this 30 degree heat, a bit of make up and an evening dress, and into the tram for the opera.
Such a beautiful evening from the first floor balcony at the opera house.
You know, some of the ladies' evening dresses there may not have been to my taste, but I absolutely loved that everyone made an effort.
8pm intermission and look down at the streets!
La Traviata was exquisite. I just love some of the arias in this beautiful opera. I know, no pictures during the performance! But this was the third ovation, so by then the performance is technically over! :D
So then I walked out of the opera house and into the warm night and made my way back to my hotel.
With no more late operas to stay in town for, and all offices to deal with my citizenship papers closed till Monday, I headed out of Prague ad back to Zdenek and Helena's.Just to give you a perspective, I'm in their village looking down the train tracks and there's Prague in the distance.I'm 25 minutes away from the main Prague train station.
So back at Z and H's and we went for a 11km walk down one side of the river Berounka to the neighbouring village and back up the other side.
I love these slow, wide European rivers.
We walked past fields of ripening poppies.
Poppy seed cakes are national treasures round here.
This part of the country, being so close to Prague, is prime cottage country and all along the Berounka are lovely cottages.
And, with it being Sunday, and almost summer holidays, everyone was out at their cottages and out on the river enjoying the day.
Do you see that little castle in the distance? It's very close to Z and H's home.Wouldn't it be amazing to live in a castle? Many, many castles and villas are available for sale here.
On my way I found this beautiful speckled blue egg shell.
After our walk we dropped into town for supper and then the local castle grounds was the stage for a pantomime.
The evening was warm and people were all still enjoying the river.
And so we thought we'd stay for a while and bought tickets to the pantomime, and, as it turns out, so did the whole village!!! Lol.
But the pantomime was brilliant fun, and, I understood almost every word!One great thing for being there this month is that I'm pretty much back to fluid Czech without having to think too hard.Love it.
Well I better get off this puter of mine because I have to go back into Prague tomorrow and chase down various government offices.Hope you're not getting too bored with my Prague month.