Closing the cabin for the winter
I got out of town this weekend guys.I jumped in the car and drove the 200km up to my cabin.It's really too bad that I haven't had more time for the cabin this year because I love it so much, but I'm about to make up for that.
The main reason I came up here is to winterise and protect the cabin. Remember this spring's pack rat?Here is the cabin thermometer and what it read when I got here. The right side is the outside temp and the left is the inside temp. Not a lot of difference!
But I soon had a cheery fire going and this new wood stove is so efficient, that the cabin was warm in no time.
Then I went for a walk around the property, checked the lake, and walked out across the meadow to the river.
The moss is so luxurious thia time of the year.
I walked around the lake. What a stellar day! But then, it's semi-arid here and so we have loads of these sunny days.
This land is in a valley next to a river, so the dew just never dries at this time of the year. Soon my boots, jeans and even my socks were soaked.
Here's the Gates River. My cabin property goes steeply up a hill on the other side of this river, so I usually walk back at this point.
I walked across the place to the railroad which borders the other side.That's looking east.
And that's west.
Back inside the cabin, I let my shoes and socks dry at the fire...
...and made myself a little supper.It's amazing how well and how fast bread toasts up on the stove top.
Then I grabbed a large paper pad, some conti crayons, graphites and chalks, and sketched some gathered reeds, grasses and branches.I sketched until it got too dark, and then I sketched by candlelight.
Sunday morning I looked down from the loft at all my sketches. I like them.I'm hoping some might lead to a new series of paintings.
The sun started lighting up the mountains but the sun doesn't really come into the valley in the winter, so I put some more wood in the stove.
Even first thing in the morning the temp inside was much more agreeable than yesterday!
One more cabin walk. This time from east to west along a communal path shared with my three cabin neighbours.
I was surprised that there were hardly any mushrooms in the forest. Maybe it's a little late now.
When ever I get here, one of the first things I do is go out for a walk and gather a bouquet of what ever is growing at the moment. Then the custom is to leave the little bouquet on the table until next cabin visit, but for the winter, anything containing water must be either emptied or filled with antifreeze, and so my bouquet had to go. It was too pretty to throw away, and so I put it in a milk bottle to take home.
I also gathered up my sketches...
...pack my gear, locked up the cabin, and drove back home.