what comes from stress and evening walks
I went for a walk around the hood this evening, after spending hours in the garden, and walked past a most highly manicured garden in the world which must belong to someone who owns a garden service called Momentous Impressions Gardening. (because the vans with that name were parked out front) And it makes perfect sense because this garden has the greenest, most even grass blades in the world, the most manicured clumps of vegetation and the sharpest edged borders from where peaks of the darkest, richest soil can be seen.Oy Vey!Then I round the corner and come up to my garden. The one with the wonky photinia hedge and giant, overgrown cherry tree.
And volunteer fir trees and lawns with more weeds and moss that actual grass.
And a hodgepodge of saved plants from neighbourhood construction sites and rustic, old fences.And I think, "what the heck am I doing having a garden show?"
So I hope people can look past the imperfections and see the glorious bits.Like this wild and gorgeous clematis which looks like clematis with a bad hair day.
And the small vignettes I've set up in places.
And the saved apple tree, which went from a hand full of leaves and one rotten apple to a glorious green top and a full harvest last year, and places for wildlife with this small pond, a bird bath, three fountains and some water plants.
But the tea cart is all washed and ready to be put into service and to be loaded up with tea cups and cookies, and Morgan is keeping a watchful eye on the goings on and always eager to test things out.
The broken irises have been gathered into vases,
The roses and clematis are starting to open, and a wholly inappropriate chandelier has been hung in the garage just because it looks lovely there.
So nevermind the mess. I think it's going to be OK. :D