Cookie, Stefanie's drawing challenge
Stefanie says "cookie is a nice word, isn't it?"Oh it SO is!I've done so much of the painted cookies in the past, that I decided to do something completely different.So when is a cookie not a cookie, but still is? When it's a little silver cookie necklace.Here is a little fortune cookie with a fortune to keep you happy and lucky all the time you wear it.I had something in my mind, and as usual, I took the approach of, "how hard can it be?"I cut out a small disk of silver, which I then bent and hammered out and bent and hammered out about a half dozen times. (yes, that is a hockey puck, we are Canadian after all :D ) Anyway, turns out, bending a small silver disk in two opposite directions is bloody hard! But, after heating it red hot, it became a bit more pliable for a few seconds, but that was enough to get a good bend.Then I cut a little fortune in which I engraved, "Love is" one one side and "you" on the other.
Then I punched holes and soldered jump rings and chain, and pickled and filed and polished and polished and polished.And then I got a certain freckle faced girl to model it for me.
I'm really happy with it.Come visit Stefanie over the weekend and check out other cookie enthusiasts, and please pardon my absence till Monday afternoon, I'm getting out of town to a friend's cabin for our Thanksgiving weekend and will not have internet, but I'll be around just as soon as I get back into town. Sending big chocolate chip cookie hugs your way. :D