
It might only be the middle of January in the Great Pacific Northwest but yesterday in the sunshine it was warm enough to ditch the winter coat! Nice! It's making me feel like spring is just around the corner...and I'm not really a winter girl. I mean, if winter was fresh crisp snow and beautiful red cardinals and pastoral meadows, well, that might be a different story, but here and in Oxfordshire, our winters tend to be wet and leaden skies and boggy, flooded gardens.004 copy copySo it's no wonder that I've had enough winter and now, with this lovely sunshine, I want to redecorate my space.First thing's first. Christmas has to go.003 copy copyThis year Christmas was in E and we took down the tree on twelfth night, but then I didn't get to Vancouver till eighteenth night. (Is there such a thing? :D )001 copy copyStill, I took my time taking down the tree. I love my glass deckies, which is not to say that I don't love my deckies in West Cottage, I do, but it was lovely to see all the glass ornaments here.Now I'll keep looking at this photo each time I feel like buying more vintage ornaments...holy smokes...and this is only a part of the stash! Oh it takes some work to put it away!010 copy copyBut I'm not complaining. Spring, here we come. :)028 copy copy


Some important letters for a random Friday


New country, new things, new ideas