Drawing challenge: Metamorphosis
I was so excited when Ariane called this drawing challenge: metamorphosis for this weekend, because this month I feel like I've been going thru a personal metamorphosis.Do you know that saying how it takes 30 days to break an old habit and start a new one?Well, this month, every morning, I've been drawing and painting in a little sketch book. I've been taking part in my local art supply store's daily drawing challenge.
And I've been loving every minute of it.Every morning I make a cup of tea and look up the challenge theme and paint for an hour, then post it on Instagram.I have to say that now, at the end of the month, I love my new habit and love how far my art has progressed. I even scanned some of my favourite little paintings and printed them on art paper as prints for my Etsy shop.(Yes I know, I'm working on it :D)
Yesterday I decided to paint that metamorphosis in my large Reflections journal, and this is what it turned into:
It's funny now that I reflect back at it. Franz Kafka's book Metamorphosis has always been an influence in my life, hence the beetle in the painting. But the absurdity of it all brought in an element of Dali, whose exhibit I last saw in Prague...Kafka...me...Prague...get it? Then, that butterfly. I literally saw her yesterday. As I opened the front door, she flew past me above the front garden flower bed. So here's my metamorphosis. Shedding the confines of the old bug skin, shedding the inability to find time to paint each day, and, even if a little blindly, slipping the surly bonds of the ground and knowing that she's getting ready to soar.Thank you so much Rosie girl. It's been a wonderful experience painting metamorphosis.Pop by Ariane's for more fantastic transformations. :D