Here I am in England! At home.
Look what Robert had waiting for me!But that's not all. Look what else was waiting for me!This is my new car; it's a vintage, 1970's series 3 Land Rover.
And it's MINE! Robbie bought it for me and he and Jason fixed almost everything on it in time for me to get here.
By the way, it's been named DODO (as per the license plate)! So I'm introducing you to The Dodo. You'll probably see a lot of it and my mini this summer, (which by the way has been named The Doctor because the license plate says DOC. I need a Dalek key chain for my
What I thought when I got here was that I only had three tea bags left in the cupboard. How could I survive with only three tea bags? :( There just is no way! So I asked R to drive to the store so I could get some more tea.Then we cleaned up the cupboard and found all this tea! :DBut he still drove to the store to get me some fresh tea bags. hero!
Now we're at home. R is with our friend Alan trying to sort out a problem on Alan's car and I've just picked this lovely, fat Nigella seed pod out of the garden...
...and drew it on the page that says "English".
It's good to be here. :D