Finally! After a whirlwind night of flights, I'm home in Prague.
Hi everyone,well, that was a night that never was!Vancouver to Heathrow...where it was very hard not taking a taxi straight to Oxfordshire......but then I did get on that second flight to Prague.arrived late in the European night.
and then today, a morning walk into Prague.
Naturally I stayed all day.
I stayed all day beside my river,
beside the ochre walls and under the red roofs.
I took the tram all over. Walked under every spire.
The tourist season is in full swing and the common streets are CRAZY! Hating it so much and I've gone out of my way to find small alleys and streets no one knows about and therefore no one is using!Yes, I do have the advantage of knowing this town.
And, oh my gosh guys, I spoke Czech all day! I am fluent, but years between visits and I get rusty. You know, like the Czech word for dusty, and the phrase may I have the bill please. Oh it's the little things. And then the person tells me and I do a forehead slap! Duh!
So I'm home now. I'll stay for a month, but have things to do.
My plans are to visit friends, retrace my family a little, meet long lost cousins and, most importantly for this trip,
take my aunt Vera's ashes to Austria.I've had my dear aunt with me for six years now. (only child syndrome) It's time.I've decided that she was the happiest ever when she lived in Austria and loved being there the most. I've decided that the old von Alemann family crypt, where my grandparents are, wouldn't be good for her. I mean, when I see her I see her being in the air like the sound of music girl. She loved the alpine sunshine. She washed her face with the morning dew and collected wildflowers and painted meadows on her canvases. The ground is no place for a Bohemian like my aunt. So I've decided to take her back and take her to the alps. Happily, my mother agrees.
Today, as I walked across St Charles Bridge, I touched the little brass dog for good luck and silently wished for health and happiness for my family and loved ones.
And today is my little Isla-la's 5th birthday, so I picked up a little something special to bring back to her.
Well, here my month in my old stomping grounds begins.
As soon as I get into some stable place I'll buy myself a bunch of these flowers. Might take a you can keep the Bohemian out of Bohemia, but you can't keep Bohemia out of the soul.
Will post very soon.(Actually should have a sign around my neck which says, "danger photographer at large!")