Here we are at Friday random again!
I feel so bad when I read all your posts and see all the snow! My poor winter-trapped friends (Except for you lucky ones in California, Arizona, Florida...Spain...etc). But for all my Eastern friends, it's so lovely here and I almost hate to admit it, C and I are hiking the mountains each chance we get. The snow is melting making lovely, fresh, cold streams of pure, clean water. (Don't hate me, I've got spare bedrooms :D )And just as I'm telling everybody how beautiful it is here, last night C comes running into my bedroom saying, "Mom! Mom! You've got to come look out the living room window!".........Now that's random!
Yesterday, I pulled up to a red light and C shouted, "A CARD!" and jumped out of the car picked the card up and jumped back in again just as the light turned green. We have this fancy that sometimes the universe sends us a little message and that playing cards carry divination messages. I know this is about as silly as healing and energy crystals's harmless fun. So according to our silly pet website, the 10 of hearts she found tells her: good luck and success is with her. This is good because here she is studying one of the three 40 page readings for her midterm. (By the way, she's wearing the iron pyrite stacking rings I made for her. I chose the iron pyrite specifically because it brings vitality, creativity and strength...according to C's crystal healing book) :DWhat are we like?
I walked into the kitchen today to see the contents of the cardboard and catnip scratching box ripped up with a great, big hole thru it, right out of it's holder, and bits of cardboard and catnip all over the floor, with one satisfied Morgan sitting in the narrow box.Morgan 1Box 0
So who can study while there's a hockey game on, and if it's the gold medal Olympic women's hockey being streamed on CBC TV...and you have to be on the internet studying anyway...Well, C's face was priceless watching the last period plus the intense overtime, that I took about 70 photos of her. Then I had to make this little one minute movie to entertain you. :D all the random with Nancy.