Having fun painting this week
You know what it's like when you look forward to an art challenge week from your favourite art store Opus Art Supplies, and then Monday comes... aaand....then it's Tuesday!Yes! That is me this week.Miss Butterfly Brain! ("So what else is new?" you say)So Tuesday morning I grabbed my sketchbook, (yes, you know me, it's an early 1900 music book), and caught up.Monday's prompt: FOCUSYeah, V! Painted a crazy secretary bird. It felt right...lol.Tuesday's prompt: Spice.Painted some pepper and an Indian butterfly, (I looked it up on Wiki).
Today's prompt: NostalgiaI thought about it for a nanosecond.
My grandfather and I used to keep a vigil every spring to see the first swallow of the season. That was one of our special rituals I remember. I put these little guys on the In The Merry Month of May song.
Now I'm looking forward to tomorrow's prompt.