Future “tense”...is that nervous? Because I am.
The Wordpress weekly photo challenge, future tense, has got me thinking.Each year I open my packets of seeds and hold them in my hand and feel the life energy stored within each perfect little parcel. Then I look at my garden space and know that I won’t have the room for all 50 or so seeds, and so we play the “who will live and who will die” game again. I hate it.I really try to swap/ give/bribe people to take the extra seeds and let them grow and most years I’m pretty successful at it.This year, the second growing season in my garden, I’ve got my act together a little more and have bought some angled iron to stand up the ancient gates with. I figure they will give me twice the growing space for beans and peas than the bush variety. And I love the privacy and the garden room feeling that height in the potager gives. (Have also bought some brown metal spray paint because I can’t live with the cold silver. (Artist...so sue me))So the soil is prepared, the seeds are out of their packages and ready to be planted, future tense looks a little less stressful. Now, who can I find to send half of a package of scarlet runners to?