Garage into an art studio project update...they'll be lots of
Hi everyone,Here's a brief update of the garage into an art studio project.Outside the big melt is happening.And inside we're sweeping away the cobwebs, standing on ladders and work benches...
Listening to tunes...(notice how that side of the garage has all the stuff piled against it.)
...and painting.
Lots and lots and lots of painting. (The mundane kind, not the fun kind)
But this is where I am with this transformation.I've painted the raw wood shelves with two coats of a special Bher paint which is nice and thick, and has an undercoat in it. I chose the colour Palais White. It's a very clean white. No obvious pink or blue or green shade, and for the walls I chose Ralph Lauren's Artist's studio! I've used it before on my studio walls and really love how it bounced the light around. Both are satin, although it looks a bit gloss for being wet.
And I made a one of a kind chandelier using a couple antique shelf? brackets and a bit of curtain rod.I love how it turned out.Still a bit of fiddling with it to get it just right, but it'll have to wait.
So one half of the building is finished. I kept the old barn cupboard in place and the ginger jar lamp Kerstie gave me, and Chloe thought to put the old filing cabinets on top of the cupboard. I think they look great there.
There's also a few of those lovely IKEA carts under the main work bench ready for supplies. I chose the red colour because they're beside my dad's old Craftsman tool box mom gave me and Robbie helped me recondition. I also like how they all seem to disappear under the bench into a nice, organised row.
On the drop cloth...which never gets used for anything to do with actual painting, another bunch of just washed and very odd shelving? brackets. I'm trying to think of how I want to use these in the space...or even if I want to use them.
So there we are. I'm definitely getting closer to my art studio being a reality.Only 22 days to the studio open...and counting!
Oh look! The sun came out for two seconds together! What a treat. :D