Hello from Sunday night, and a field walking, car showing me!
Hello everybody,Well, this is a turn-up for the books.Oxfordshire seems to have gone from winter to summer overnight.The weather turned and suddenly we have highs of 26 degrees, full-on summer dress weather, and I didn't pack for that...lol.But the fields are so tempting that, heat or no heat, I'm walking across them almost every day.
As I walk I see the village children enjoying their regular after-school activity.
And I have a chance to check in with our neighbours to see what's new.
Along the ditches, the yellow flag irises have doubled in height in the past two days.
And there are millions of dandelions everywhere.So many that I didn't feel guilty for picking some and twisting them into a dandelion crown.
It only takes minutes but it leaves you with yellow hands...lol.(tutorial is here)
So I put it on and continued my walk.
Within minutes I was being circled by one or two of those huge flying grape bumblebees.They followed me and buzzed around me in great circles for a couple fields.I tried to get a photo for you but they were too fast for me. I managed to get a photo of a bumblebee bum! :D
Sunday Robert and I jumped into my TVR and hooned X country to the Bister Heritage Sunday Scramble; a thrice-yearly event held in an old WWII airfield.Since we were driving a heritage car, we were sent to the show grounds instead of the filed parking lots.We looked around for other TVRs and found the TVR Club area and parked up there.Most of the cars were modern TVRs and mine was the only one of two vintage cars there.
We looked around the massive show area and headed into the complex of buildings.
This is my favourite part of this car show.I love that all the buildings and airplane hangers are open and various companies set up displays for their engineering or selling trades.Some of the more valuable cars are housed in the hangers too.
You never know what you can find.Here is a Datsun like my son has. I took some photos for him.
Here is one of my favourite cars ever; a Jag E type!
I've been threatening Robbie with a new project. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted a car like Mr Toad from Wind in the Willows.So I always look around for the best "Toad" car I can see, and I come back to these.They are Alvis cars from the mid 20s.
And this one is it.This beautiful, soft grey with black two seater, convertible, little dickie seat for the huge pot of margaurites and picknic basket.This one is perfect.And it happens to be for sale too! The only problem is that the price is 32,000 GBP, which is about $53,000 canadian! Yikes!
This is one of R's favourite cars in the show. Amazing art deco details.
And here is another one he loved. Except he said he wouldn't have done the roof chop.
I loved this weddgie thing. No idea what it was. AC? Have to look it up.
There was nothing here even remotely close to Robert's Medusa, but this one was very interesting and one-of-a-kind.
So as the day wore on, we went back to my car and sat in the shade side for our lunch picnic, and some TVR people wandered by. This is our new friend Paul who we spent a good time chatting to.Then we met up with some of our Turbo mini friends, walked around some more...
...and by the time we were ready to go home, there were only two or three TVRs left!
Anyway, that's it from our week and weekend. Hope you've all had an amazing week and are looking forward to your week ahead.It's back to work for us. Art for me and Medusa for R.
Any special plans for your week ahead?Hope spring/autumn is bursting forth in abundance in your corner of the old globe. :D