Hello from Sunday night; which turned into Monday night again
Hi everybody,I'm in England.Just got here four days ago from a month away in Kelowna on baby and watch helping Kerstie and Adam with the girls and letting my daughter get a little extra rest.I'm happy to report that my newest little grandbaby, Nate, was born April 5th. We are all so happy.I'm also very happy baby Nate came on the 5th because I really wanted to be back in England with Robbie and for the wedding of our dear friends Nic and Sarah. Their wedding was last Saturday. It was a beautiful celebration, and we partied till far too late.But I got out for a field walk today with my camera because I wanted to show you my little corner of Oxfordshire.It's bright and alive with spring.
I walked to the corner field and guess what I saw...
The field is being used as a nursery!
Aren't they the cutest things ever?
Back past our house and into the fields.The weather's a little variable right now.One minute it's so warm that all you need is a sweater and the next minute a cold wind blows in making you grab a jacket.
The hedgerows are starting to bloom.The first blossoms are on the sloes but the hawthorns and crabapples are in bud.
At the end of the third field is a stand of poplars and they serve as a rookery for the crows.Boy, they're a noisy bunch.
Here the pollard willow has sprouted new, fresh shoots.
And I found some four-leaf clovers in the fresh growth.
Good luck for me. :D
In one of the fields I found a lot of pigeon feathers all blown about.I wondered if the feathers were the result of the pigeony spring thing or if someone else got lucky...perhaps the fox of hawk.
Around my fields were some signs of winter damage; like this willow.
I expect it's been blown over during the winter and some parts are uprooted...
...but there's enough roots left for it to keep on keeping on.And that's really good because the bees are out and so are the giant bumblebees; which look like fat, black grapes.
I snapped off a little hawthorn branch on my walk and spent a lovely hour at my art table drawing it in ink on some rice paper.
And then I went on-line and ordered a bunch of art supplies.
I can't wait to get busy with art again.How's spring springing along in your corner of the old globe?