Hello from Monday night (Can't get my act together these days...lol)
It's been a quiet, low-key weekend round here.Nice for a change.But we did have Kerstie, Adam and our little girls come for supper.
Mom came too, and we had a lovely visit.
Jonathan was missed. He originally said he would love to come for dinner, but double booked himself with the new girl friend, (who we know nothing about 8O )Oh well, we had a lovely time.
Today dawned bright and sunny, and, after I did some laundry, I got into my silversmithing studio.
I turned on some Bowie music and contemplated an ancient flint with a hole thru it.And, although I haven't finished that piece yet...
I did make some earrings for Clove. She was admiring some earrings similar to these at Blue Ruby and another chic little boutique and they cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of $50, and I thought, "are you kidding me? There's like $5 worth of silver and a half hour worth of work!"And you all know my motto: How hard can it be?Not that hard as it turns out. :D
Now it's evening and everything's quiet and calm and I'm trying to resist the urge to get back out into the silversmithing studio tonight.