Hello from Monday night and a lovely Canadian Thanksgiving
Hello everyone from the Monday night of our Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.It's so lovely to have this long weekend come right after my trip to the interior.I took the long way home and stopped at some of my most favourite little towns and took advantage of all the end of summer bounty. I took loads of flowers, fruit and veg home for this weekend...and for future use.We had our big turkey meal on Sunday rather than tonight because it was a time everyone could agree on.Sunday morning, I did a quick tidy round the house, polished, dusted and vacuumed.
Processed the last of my tomatoes and cleaned off the dining room table.
I had the usual kind of help from my housemates.
I made the stuffing, stuffed the turkey and put it into the oven, and that was that. I was free to enjoy the rest of the day. I went to my yoga class, and had some time to relax while the turkey baked away and the stock simmered on the stove.
Later in the afternoon I went back into the garden for some more herbs and leeks, cut up a bunch of vegetables to roast along with the turkey, peeled some potatoes and waited for my family to come.
Jonathan and Chantal got here first and brought our little Megababy.I'm always so amazed how much he's grown every time I see him.But not as amazed as Chloe. We Skyped her in Japan and had a good talk with her. She hasn't seen Ash since he was a newborn. Mom came soon after and also got a chance to chat with Chloe.
We all sat down and got about 10 minutes peace until Ash decided he wanted some turkey too...and the plate!!!
We played pass the Megababy around, and finally put him into the highchair and put a dollop of mashed potatoes and yams in front of him.
That bought us another 10 minutes...lol.But it was so lovely to see my guys and spend the evening with them.
Well, here we go. Our Canadian Thanksgiving is much earlier than my American friends', but still it's the best prelude to the autumn and to the holiday season.Happy Thanksgiving everyone and happy autumn. Hope you get the best out of the season.