Hello from Sunday night
Does this ever happen to you with a shortened week?There was the holiday Monday this week and I keep feeling like it isn't Sunday today.Or maybe the shortened work week has been so intense, that I felt a little like I was going in two different directions at the same time, (boy I really could use another weekend), and consequently, there has been very little art happening round here.
So, half way thru October and some plants are really pushing past their prime now, aren't they?
While other plants are just coming into it.
I'm still not ready to give up the Indian summer yet, even though I can quite definitely see that it's over, I'm still hanging on to it with as much hope as I can and with lovely sunny things like olives, which always remind me of warm France, but I'm so happy that the "r" months now are fine for mussels, another absolute favourite of mine. Does anybody still believe in that myth about not eating shellfish in months which don't have an "r" in them?
At home, I'm over the bright colours of summer and feeling a more subdued, neutral tone. I'm also taking more time to read, and am rummaging thru my library, my friend's books stashes and my favourite book haunts for new, lovely books to read. It's so lovely to start to cocoon at home with books and quilts and open fires and early evenings. I'm sort of looking forward to the long winter nights, but I'm sure I'll be feeling differently by the middle of winter.
Today the weather in my part of town, (right under the mountains), was that sort of grey/black gloomness which bunches up the clouds and dashes them against the mountains, that kind of unpredictability the west coast is best knows for, but on the other side of town, beside the river delta, there was sun and scattered clouds. So a walk at the river it was. A walk by the old fishing village, in the warm wind and weak sun.
And just now, the sky is full of hundreds of snow geese returning, some 20,000 strong, returning to the delta for the sun and the mild, escaping the harsh, just as I'm beginning to welcome the cooler seasons.
Sharing with Judith and the mosaic bunch. :D