Hello from Sunday night
Hello everyone. :D I know it's been an age since I posted, and to tell you the truth, I've missed photographing and posting something rotten.
Speaking of something rotten, C came down with a nasty little cold last week. Tis the season, huh? We drove down to our favourite juice bar, the Juicery, and picked up some good medicine. She was over the cold in no time.
One big bit of news, Robert has flown in for Christmas. :D It's so lovely to have him home again. And, with R here, we went to find a Christmas tree. We found a beautiful, slightly imperfect, spruce, which a) we could afford!!! (seen the price of Christmas trees this year?) and b) reached up the nine feet to the ceiling.
Then it was just a matter of decorating it. I've been collecting glass ornaments for about a million years now. I love them more than anything. It's been two years since we got them out because Christmas has been in England for the past two years, and I was so excited to see them again. They're like old friends...do you know what I mean? There's that wonderful familial comfort in seeing Jonathan's baby ornament, (34 yrs old now), my grandmother's favourite one to remember her by, one special glass bird we somehow brought out of the Czech republic in 1968, the street car from San Francisco, vintage silvered glass bells from the antique markets in England...so many special stories attached to so many of them.
So many beautiful ornaments gathered in various places over many years. It took me four hours to put most of them on.
Especially since you can see just how much help I had...lol.Sharing with Judith and the mosaic bunch.