Hello from Sunday night
Hi everyone,How was your weekend? I hope it was lovely and you got to celebrate something special.I love celebrations. Even just a Sunday morning lie in can be a celebration...which incidentally didn't happen round here with our three who were up at the crack of sparrows.
But Kerstie had to drive them back home, a journey of 300 miles, so breakfast, a cookie, a quick diaper change and hugs all round and off they went.
Chloe went off too for a day with Bryson, and so I went up into my studio, lit a favourite candle, and settled down to some art.
Now I've missed two of our art challenges because of illness and clouds, and I miss them and I always feel very sorry for myself for not being able to join in.So while I was sitting up in my studio, with my studio companion Morgan by my side, the last two challenges were running thru my mind: Ariane's Daily and Tammie's Sticks.
Daily, the daily roads we take, the daily routines I thought, and sticks. The only thing I kept thinking of were pick-up sticks. You know? The game children play. Pick-up sticks.Pick-up sticks of roads. The daily commute, the game of it all.And I was thinking of the miles between Robbie and me right now, and between me and my children and grandchildren, between my art challenge friends, and, not to be all maudlin, but it makes me feel very lonely and sorry for myself up here in my studio.It seemed like such a lot of work to put this image together, but once I got into my thoughts it came naturally. Every piece of paper, every brush stroke found its place.
And suddenly a kingfisher came to life...quite possibly to re-route the daily, to fly thru the tangle of sticks and make a straight path to where we want; to the perfect place.
So here we have daily pick-up sticks. We may be a week or two late, but we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and make some art. And tomorrow's another day. :D
I'm not missing, and so looking forward to our next art challenge at Stefanie's. Check in with our Rose Ariane for the schedule and come join in if you can. You're always very welcome to.