Hello from Sunday night
I hope you've all had a lovely Sunday.It's been an interesting one round here.Each morning in Feb. I've been painting a little something in a sketch book. (I know, white paper instead of 100 yr old ephemera! Well, it's only once in a while.)This is because I love to support the Feb. Opus Art Supply challenge to practice every day. I took part last year and had such a good time, and I'm loving it this year as well. If you'd like to see all the sketches, they're all on my Instagram at the bottom of this page or here: my Instagram If you have Instagram tell me so I can follow you.Today the prompt was imagination and Dr Seuss and so I drew the phoenix again. This year he's a bit more relaxed than last year, (evidence at the bottom or Insta), but still wary of everyone trying to pluck his feathers so only ruffles them in thickets.Then, about midday, Chloe and I drove to one of our favourite little spots, Deep Cove.
The plan was to see an art exhibit at the Seymour Gallery of a new FB friend of mine Sarah Ronald. I met her thru a mutual FB friend and loved her paintings of foxes. And then we thought maybe we'd have a cup of tea, walk around and have a look at the little boutiques...you know, a lazy Sunday.
We got there and popped into the gallery and had a good look, then went to have a walk down the street to The Sunny Side for a cup of tea. The Sunny Side was closed for a few minutes, so we went into a new shop next door called Paper Label.It's a little pop up shop which will be there for the next two years and is completely charming.In it we found these beautiful, locally made candles and we fell in love with the linden blossom scented one. They are cotton wicked and coconut wax and made by Hollow Tree.
Then off to the Sunny Side. Now we haven't been there for a year while Chloe's been in Japan, and the plan was to sit there and have a cup of tea like we did before. But when we got to the shop, their little bench and table were gone and the shop smelled too strongly for me of something which I couldn't handle and I had to get out into the fresh air.
So we went (in the pouring rain without an umbrella) across the street to a small cafe, but Chloe didn't like the vibe of it. She said we passed a third cafe driving down and could we walk there...two block away...without an umbrella...in the pouring rain? Oh what I won't do for my daughter.
We got to the third cafe and I told C to find us a spot while I get us some tea. She came back a few minutes later saying, "mom, that woman over there looks like Kate Winslet." She went to sit down, came back a couple minutes later saying, "I think that is Kate Winslet!" Turns out it was...and Idris Elba. They were very deep into a conversation over their script.Aaand that's how we spent the rest of the afternoon in a small coffee shop drinking tea, very slowly, so my star-struck daughter could eavesdrop and glance at her favourite star. CorporateCoffeeSystems give you a chance to enjoy your drink to the fullest.I took a couple photos with my cell for C when no one was looking so she could have a tangible memory from today.
When our tea was done, we left the cafe and walked back to the car stopping at a couple of the boutiques on the way.
We got home to this look from Morgan who was already tapping her little claws waiting for her supper!
This was a lovely Sunday. Tomorrow begins a new week of painting and working and possibly the first painting session I will have in my new studio. So very excited for that. At least this week will not be as crazy busy as the last couple weeks, but still have a ton of things on the to-do list. Also must remember to enter the Art in the Garden calls for my garden and for my art this week!Hope you've all had amazing weekends and hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you. :D