Hello from Sunday night and a very tired me.
What a difference a night makes!And truth be told, I think we lucked out with Saturday and some unexpected sunshine, because HOLY SMOKES!I remember waking up and thinking, "It's awfully quiet for rain!"
I surveyed the 'hood and found that my neighbour's Victorian had grown by three feet.It was the heron sitting miserable against the cold, wet snow.
But I didn't mind so much because I just painted away in my warm studio and had endless cups of mint tea.
Overall it was an amazing weekend round here and an amazing experience welcoming friends and strangers into my studio.
Lots of people came thru and I had the chance to make new friends and reconnect with old friends and neighbours.
My new journal, made form a 1956 issue of Bartholomew's Advanced ATLAS of Modern Geography, (as
you I do), and dedicated to art fun, has about 50 signatures and good wishes from people who came by.Thank you North Vancouver Arts Council for the opportunity to be a part of the art crawl; it's been a wonderful weekend, and thank you everyone who came out (especially you folks who braved today's snow!) And a very special and heartfelt thank you to everyone who claimed a special songbird or two and took them home. Hope you enjoy your little treasures.
Anyone who wants to come visit again, or who missed visiting this weekend and would like to come by, please just feel free to. I hope I'll see you all again at Art in the Garden. :D