Hello from Sunday night which turned into a Monday post again
Hello from the Monday after a very quiet and maybe even boring weekend at home. (But you know what? Exactly what I needed.)Our weekend turned into a dealing with various car projects weekend.Robert drove my Land Rover out from under cover and boy was it dusty!This part of my Landy hood is black!
So we got out the hose and gave it a quick once over.
Looking better.There are a couple nagging Landy issues on Robert's mind. The brakes aren't working as ideally as they should despite the previous owner fitting completely new braking gear on, and, since the car doesn't have power steering, turning the steering wheel to the right, produces a massive kickback of a rotation and half back to straight.So Robbie decided to investigate.
My project for this summer is to get on with rebuilding my vintage mini and this is the powerful little engine.My first project is to strip the old paint and rust, take apart the engine, replace the seals and gaskets and repaint it in that beautiful Austin mini green.
So while Robbie jacked up the Landy,
I used his power drill plus some wire brush atachments to get on witht he mini engine.Look, half way done in one afternoon!
After a while, R thought he sorted some things out and it was time for a test drive.
This is the part I like!
Well guys, the brake problems are still not sorted after the test drive and, after further investigation, it seems that the previous owner installed the brakes on completely backwards!So this means poor Robbie has to take all four of the very heavy wheels off, take the brakes apart and put them back together properly!Can you believe it?It's a good thing he loves me so much.
I'm a lucky girl.