Hello from Sunday night...which is turning into a Monday morning post again!
Boy oh boy what a glorious, heart-warming, soul affirming weekend I've had.I must say that I'm on top of the world! :DAnd wish to send out a great big THANK YOU to the almost 500 visitors to my garden.After this weekend, each and every one of the 500 wonderful, gentle, garden and art loving souls I chatted with, my fellow artist assigned to show in my garden - the talented Jackie Miller, the incredibly talented musicians - The Land Of Deborah (Saturday) and Justin O'Donohue's Jazz Trio (Sunday) - who entertained, the volunteers who sat curbside for five hours each day and explained the lay of the garden, my wonderful neighbours who not only showed up early to help me set up and lent me tables and chairs, but also came by both days to chat and support me, and of course, The North Vancouver Community Arts Council who judged my garden and then my art worthy of being seen, will stay in my heart for ever.And an extremely warm and grateful THANK YOU to all the people who bought my paintings and my photo greeting cards. Thank you for claiming the paintings as your own thru heartfelt memories and experiences. I hope they continue to bring you joy and brighten your lives for many years, and I hope my greeting cards bring smiles to everyone they are sent to.My natural predisposition is to be nervous about my artistic talent and my mood spectrum is usually full of misty skies and churning seas, but having strangers...now friends...exploring the garden, marvelling at my crazy planting schemes, laughing at the corkscrew hazel branches as cat deterrent and seedling protectors, asking for eventual cuttings, taking hundreds of photographs, exploring my paintings, asking for painting technique related tips and how-tos, saying such lovely things about my art, stopping with cups of green tea and amaretto or coconut cookie in hand and, in one case, sitting cross legged on the brick circle under the saved apple tree and meditating for 30 minutes, was the greatest personal gift for my heart, which stayed sunny and warm all weekend.
I met so many like-minded people. I was paired with two other artists, (one of whom couldn't show at the last minute), so the weekend became a two woman show! But the lovely Jackie Miller, who I only just met but am sure to adore forever, brought a great amount of paintings and colourful flags to the show and we were just fine. I also feel in love with Deborah, who was slated to entertain on Saturday. I took a video of her performing Skyfall for me as a request. (Linking you up at the end of the post). You must have a listen to her soft, perfect voice, and she has some downloadable music on her website!!Go grab it...I'll wait.
You all know how lucky I am to have Chloe by now, but I have to tell you that that sweet child of mine stuck with me for the whole weekend, being cup washer and cookie plate refiller, banker, manager, supporter, promoter and, in two cases, publicity spokesperson for a taped interview and the local newspaper.How much do we love her?
She did get a second or two to smell the roses too.
I couldn't believe when I looked over the garden on Sunday morning and found a new saved iris had opened and it was completely different from the other five saved varieties. This one is pure, clear amethyst!Oh, and I have to tell you that game after game of tic tac toe was played. That game board was a big hit.
Here's C posing for the newspaper photographer.
Sunday's entertainer was Justin O'Donohue and his jazz trio. They were absolutely wonderful.
I found out that Morgan, while she loved being underfoot or stretching out in the garden, absolutely hates the sound of the big base. What's up with that?
But when the band took a break and went into the garden for some tea and cookies, Morgan skulked around the instruments and devised a plan to take back her patio!
But finally she settled on the warm pebbles behind the chives and went to sleep.
So then, by 8pm, after treating ourselves to a sushi supper and after washing the tea cups and tea pots, I walked into my silent garden, thanked all my plants, watered the poor, hardworking lawn, and cut a fragrant rose bloom for my bedside table.
And Morgan curled up on the patio basket and went to sleep in the last of the evening sun.
Here is a link to Deborah singing "Skyfall" for me, (which I was dying to hear again because I was engaged with some people when she sang it first). I put it on YouTube and Vimeo to make sure you there are plenty of options for you to hear her lovely voice:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaA_Z_JNtVU&feature=youtu.behttps://vimeo.com/97090306