It's been a helluva random week
Sorry for being a little MIA.Wordpress sent me a congratulations message this week saying that I just had a fourth year blog anniversary. Really? I can hardly believe it. I guess I've always taken this blog as fun, you know, no pressure. I've always written posts when I felt like it, incorporated lovely photos for anyone to use, visited as many people as I could, tried to make friends and be a friend, tried to be honest and inviting and approachable and friendly, and it's been a load of fun. I also blew right past my 500th even noticing. I suppose I should have noticed. :DThis week the garden was toured for the possible inclusion into the Art in the Garden weekend and folks, it looks good! I think I might be in there! So I've now been hounding my favourite garden centre for ideas on how to make my garden the most beautiful, distinct garden out there.
The other day, Clove and I stopped at Sbux and, while we were waiting for our drinks, C looked around and whispered, "mom, no one is talking." I looked around and sure enough, everyone was either on PCs or iPhones. No one said a word!
Later that day, I sat down to a new page in my journal and, remembering the Sbux loneliness, I decided to build a regatta where everyone is chatting, happy, loud and boisterous; even if they are in the confines of their own boats. Stay tuned... :D
C and I also drove out to mom's a couple of times this week. It's pretty darn cold and wet in Van and my car has lovely front seat warmers. Let me tell you, having a warm bum can really make all the difference to an annoying stop and go X city drive. So when we get to mom's and the child has to sit in the back seat...some days I think we really need an upgrade to a model with rear seat warmers.
Today we booked a week in Mexico! Flip flops, bathing suits, summer dresses, sun! Heaven. :D
Sharing with Nancy and all our random friends.