Here we come a-wassailing
Here we come a-wassailingAmong the leaves so green;Here we come a-wand'ringSo fair to be seen.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.Off we marched Gill, Billy, Becky, Luke, Jamie, Steph and me down the road to the heart of the village and we gathered at Hankey’s snug little cottage by their open coal fire in the kitchen. Julie had spicy mulled wine and mincemeat tarts just out of the oven. Perfect to warm us up for the night’s adventure. We sang a rousing version of Deck the Halls and we were ready.Our wassail cup is madeOf the rosemary tree,And so is your beerOf the best barley.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.We were about twenty of us, our merry band of carolers, and off we went from door to door spreading cheer.
We are not daily beggarsThat beg from door to door;But we are neighbours' children,Whom you have seen before.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.Carrying lanterns, torches and song sheets, we trudged thru the lanes and puddles, opened gates and marched down driveways making our way around the village.
Call up the butler of this house,Put on his golden ring.Let him bring us up a glass of beer,And better we shall sing.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.Everyone welcomed us and some sang along. A little tart here, a chocolate there, we were well set. Little Steph presented our charity pot to each homeowner and the change started to clink and jingle.
We have got a little purseOf stretching leather skin;We want a little of your moneyTo line it well within.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.We sang requests, we sang what we wanted, and we left each home singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
Bring us out a tableAnd spread it with a cloth;Bring us out a mouldy cheese,And some of your Christmas loaf.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.We ended up at Elizabeth and Michael’s Ferryman’s Farm for a rest and more yummies.
God bless the master of this houseLikewise the mistress too,And all the little childrenThat round the table go.Love and joy come to you,And to you your wassail too;And God bless you and send you a Happy New YearAnd God send you a Happy New Year.And much figgy pudding and good cheer. :) Thought about, written and photographed for Northmoor but also for the Wordpress Weekly Photo Challenge, Surprise